After a long two years away we felt truly blessed to be asked to create something special to celebrate the centenary of the Loreto Convent Msongari in Nairobi, Kenya and remember a much loved classmate.
As it was the first proper commission for our Kenya workshop it was important to produce a quality piece that resonates the importance of the occasion as well as having a little personality that we always like to inject into our creations.
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The Challenge
The first of many challenges was how do we source materials that are not only high quality but also suitable for a climate just a little warmer than that of the UK. The heavy cast iron bench ends were shipped from our UK workshop so this was used as a base to work from. Next, after a little research we found a new friendly supplier for the timber slats in Jeffery at Kisauni Joinery And Timber Sales in Mombasa. A true expert in what he does we quickly settled on an African hardwood known in East Africa as Mvule but better known to us as Iroko which we have used before. We supplied him with detailed dimensions and quantities and the slats were milled and collected the very next day!
There is a great difference in both temperature and humidity between Mombasa on the coast and Nairobi which is at an altitude of 5,889 feet above sea level so we decided to construct the bench where it was going to live. After a leisurely 10 hour drive we arrived and set up shop in Nairobi.
While we left some decision making on colours for the frame and slats to the Loreto Msongari Alumnae Class of 1992 the bench ends were cleaned, prepped and primed and the slats graded, cut to length and sanded before first assembly was realised. As in the UK we always try to use smaller and more local suppliers for our materials wherever possible and in this projects case we found a wonderful new friend in Rosslyn Hardware where almost everything can be found at a reasonable price and with a warm welcome.
The Result
With the final colours decided upon we set about the finished assembly and addition of a commemorative plaque. Mrs Tukosawa Creative (Brand Ambassador In Chief) as a member of the 1992 Loreto Msongari Alumnae was first to give her approval before we transported it to the school and handed over to the school Principle and members of the family for prayers and appreciation.
"This beautiful bench was made in loving memory of Lilian Olembo, Loreto Convent Msongari, Class of 1992.
The bench was commissioned by her friends in the Class of '92, as they celebrate 30 years post-secondary school.
Present to receive the bench were Kenny Olembo (Lilian's brother); Rhoda Ogembo (Msongari Alumna) and Mrs. Meg Mbugua (Principal, Msongari Secondary School).
The bench was handed over by Sara Ogwapit Abbiss and Wanjii Mbugua-Karani, both of the Class of '92 who were accompanied by Wayne Abbiss of Tukosawa Creative, the designers and creators of the bench."